Saturday, June 15, 2013

Let's make an impact !


 To fly with the winds of change you must rise above
the old ways of gravity pulling you back.
Elaine Le Sueur
'A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has  song.' (Maya Angelou). If you have been following the NZ Gifted Awareness blog for the past few days then you will have noticed a range of songs. The issue that binds them all together as birds of a feather is that of raising/ teaching/ living with the gifted. The question that continues to intrigue me is ... which is the song that will inspire you to action?
What if you feel that you haven't heard it yet ?
What else would you need to know?
What will you do to find out? ( is the portal for education issues in New Zealand. You can join the social networking on the gifted kete to communicate with others in this area )

Awareness is just the first step to change. It needs to be followed by acceptance and action to make an impact that will result in positive changes for our able students. Giftedness is simply a descriptor not a judgment. Small actions can lead to big change over time. It is time to think about what we will do that can make an impact tomorrow, and follow it up with ... and what else? It would be a great pity if there weren't  a  number of new shifts from awareness to action at least by the time that the 2014 blog tour
gets underway.

If you could do one thing today to make the world a better place for our gifted students, what would it be?
My own resolution is to share ideas for teachers of gifted students in regular classrooms on my blog.
What is yours?

Idea for today ...

This is an activity that develops questioning skills.
It is based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
  1. Select an element from the topic / theme being studied.
  1. A  volunteer is asked to assume the role of expert and sit in the ‘hot seat’ in front of the group.
  1. A panel of questioners is selected (you need one questioner from each level of the taxonomy.) Each member of the panel is given a level of the taxonomy and is required to formulate a question from that level. (allow time for this to be done)
  1. Questions are put to the ‘expert’ in turn who then responds

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